START Program
The Smart Toolkit for Accelerated Research Translation (START) Program provides the building blocks to equip UC Davis affiliated entrepreneurs with the tools they need to form and grow successful companies. Innovators who engage with the START Program have access to a suite of tools, resources, and services to form and grow robust startups.
Individuals and companies with a UC Davis affiliation (current faculty/students/staff/alumni) are eligible to apply.
- LegalNet Partnerships
- The LegalNet program offers startup incorporation and initial legal consultation through relationships with trusted legal partners that provide the following services at no-cost, except for associated filing fees and out-of-pocket expenses, and no requirement of commitment to continue to use their services after incorporation. Standard services include selection of the appropriate form of business structure, assistance with setting up the initial pre-funding capital table, registration with appropriate authorities, standard legal documents and agreements, and preliminary review of IP position.
- VentureNet Program
- The VentureNet program connects entrepreneurs with providers of startup business and technical services offering special packages and preferred rates that are designed to support effective early-stage operations with options for banking, accounting, insurance, employee payroll, and other outsourced services.
- DRIVE Network
- The Distributed Research Incubation and Venture Engine (DRIVE) program provides startups with access to a network of lean, thematically oriented business incubators with affordable, mixed office/lab spaces and integrated research and development equipment and instrumentation. Facilitated by Venture Catalyst, management and leasing of the facilities in the network is handled directly by the incubator.
- Pitch Coaching
- Venture Catalyst offers multi-stage coaching and advising sessions to assist entrepreneurs in developing a strong pitch deck and effective messaging focused on attracting investment for their companies. The process includes interactive sessions with Venture Catalyst and feedback and advising sessions with investors and business leaders through the Angels on Campus program.
- Grant Workshops
- Venture Catalyst organizes multi-session SBIR and STTR grant writing and submission workshops and associated hands-on, agency-specific office hours that take participants through all the steps necessary to successfully file a well-written grant application with specific focus on aspects such as crafting a well-structured research and commercialization plan, developing a realistic budget, engaging with program officers, anticipating reviewer comments, and completing necessary registrations and paper-work.
- MICA Reports
- The Market Intelligence and Competitive Analysis (MICA) program offers basic market reports with information such as market size, market share, regional segmentation, and competitive landscape to help entrepreneurs better frame their business opportunity, articulate their commercial challenges, and provide key elements of pitch decks and proposals used for securing funding.
- MentorNet Advisors
- The MentorNet program provides access to a network of experienced professionals and business leaders that are available to act as mentors to help entrepreneurs address distinct business challenges and provide guidance on refining business plans, attracting investment, and growing their companies.
- EECO Systems
- The Venture Catalyst Economic Engagement and Community Outreach (EECO) systems program facilitates connections between startups and the Northern California innovation and economic development ecosystems to support the successful integration of startups into the regional economy through engagement with government agencies, startup and business support organizations, the investment community, service providers, and industry associations.
- Campus Collaboration
- Venture Catalyst works in close collaboration with and supports initiatives managed by the Mike and Renee Child Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship with a focus on helping entrepreneurs gain the knowledge and net-works needed to develop the commercial potential of their research and business ideas. The Institute offers several programs that prepare innovators for success, including general and thematically-oriented Entrepreneurship Academies, mentoring programs, fellowships, and the Big Bang! Business Competition and Little Bang! Poster Competition.
- EIR Program
- The Venture Catalyst Entrepreneur-in-Residence (EIR) program integrates industry executives and entrepreneurs with business expertise in specific areas of industry focus within the START program to enhance the formation and acceleration of UC Davis-associated startups. Embedded within Venture Catalyst programs EIRs will be providing office hours for UC Davis faculty, staff and students to help them be as effective as possible in their entrepreneurial pursuits.
- Meeting Space
- Venture Catalyst provides access to reserve its Innovation Room with meeting space, videoconferencing equipment, and Zoom Room capabilities to enable student and faculty entrepreneurs to host business meetings and connect with potential partners and investors.
- TAP Program
- The Talent Acquisition Partnership (TAP) Program is a collaboration between UC Davis Venture Catalyst and the Internship & Career Center that offers startups participating in the START program access to participate in the Internship and Career Fairs as an employer at a discounted registration rate.